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Directions to TMB: Atherstone on Stour
From Stratford-upon-Avon
Leave town on the Shipston Road A3400 and head for Alderminster and Shipston. About 150 yards after the Atherstone-on-Stour turning, turn left on to our industrial estate signposted Grove Business park. Continue up this lane all the way to the barns (approx 1mile) and turn first right into our car parking area. We are the furthest unit on the right. Unit 3a and there is a sign on the wall.
From Shipston-on-Stour
Head down the A3400 towards Stratford going through Newbold and through Alderminster. After leaving Alderminster travel approx 2 out of the village. After a long stone wall on the left, turn right opposite a gate house. This is signposted Grove Business Park. Continue straight up the lane for about 1 mile until you approach some barns. Turn first right into our car parking area and we are the furthest unit on the right.
Here’s a useful Google Map link
Directions to TMB: Fritwell
From Bicester
Leave town or the Bicester ring road on the A4100 heading towards Aynho. Cross the A43 continuing towards Aynho and a mile up the road turn left, signposted Fritwell and Green Farm Rural Units. Turn first left into Green Farm and then Unit 11 is the first unit on the left, immediately after the line of trees finishes.
From M40
Leave the M40 at Junction 10 and head towards Northampton on the A43. Take ‘On the Run’ services roundabout turn left onto the A4100 towards Aynho and a mile up the road turn left, signposted Fritwell and Green Farm Rural Units. Turn first left into Green Farm and then Unit 11 is the first unit on the left, immediately after the line of trees finishes.
Here’s a useful Google Map link
Feel free to get in touch with us regarding any aspect of playing or any questions regarding The Musical Box.
The Musical Box Ltd
Unit 3a
Grove Business Park
CV37 8DX
07799 544923
The Musical Box
Unit 11
Green Farm
OX27 7QU
07597 704113
07799 544923