Category: Newsletters

  • Covid – update

    Following the government announcement that all COVID regulations will be removed from Thursday 24th February, we’ve made some changes to our expectations at the studio. Our main priority is to protect our teachers and students and to create a safe and healthy environment for everyone to enjoy. With this in mind, we are asking everyone to…

  • The Arts

    Firstly, a massive thank you for your support over the past few months. Closing the studios and moving to online lessons was not easy for us but it worked and we are now back in action at the studios but now we also offer online lessons nationally removing the geographic boundry that we used to have. Whilst…

  • Coronavirus – update

    Lessons go on at TMB VIA VIDEO LINK… we got your backs! Hi everyone – an update for you… This is a very scary time to be a small business and very dull for some of you stuck at home so even though we have now taken the difficult but resposible decision to close the…

  • Coronavirus

    Lessons go on at TMB and we got your backs! This is a very scary time to be a small business. We currently don’t qualify for any financial help from the government and if lessons stop, our teachers don’t get paid and TMB will not be able to continue.  We REALLY don’t want that and…

  • Summer Newsletter Out Now!

    If you’re signed up with us, your summer newsletter should have hit your inbox already. You can also read it here!

  • Read our Autumn newsletter

    It’s been a busy few months at TMB and we’re all geared up and ready for the run-up to Christmas. To find out all the latest, take a look at our Autumn Newsletter here.