5 things we’ve learned from lockdown lessons

When we moved all of our lessons online back in March, we had no idea how long it would be for, how you lovely students would react, or, if we’re honest, how exactly it was going to work. Six weeks on, we’ve learned a lot…

1. Practice pays off
As everyone’s social calendars took a serious nosedive, it’s resulted in a whole lot of time to practice and this is really paying off. We’ve seen some huge improvements in technique, playing styles, sight reading and so much more – nice work!

2. Lessons are different and that can be a good thing
Music lessons are traditionally physical, with teachers showing their students how to move and position themselves. This is naturally more difficult via a screen. BUT it’s helped us to approach our teaching in different ways, to be more creative and shake up how we do things. We’ve seen some real advantages.

3. We have discovered new skills 
From approaching a teaching technique in a new way, to getting up to speed on technology (super fast!), we’ve all uncovered some new talents we didn’t know we had. Lottie even managed to fix a problem with one of her student’s kits that had been bugging him for ages!

4. Our students are even more awesome than we thought
We’re so grateful for all the lovely comments and support. Students have been practising hard, booking in for extra lessons and spreading the word to friends and family too. There’s no doubt that our business (like so many others) has been hit hard by this, but with the support of you lovely lot, we’re optimistic about the future.

5. Online lessons are brilliant, but we miss you too! 
We’re really looking forward to reopening our studios as soon as it’s safe, cracking open the biscuit tin and catching up properly. Fingers crossed it won’t be too long. What do we think about TMB-branded facemasks on the merch section of the website?!






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