Author: TheMusicalBox
Boxfest 2023
BoxFest is TMB’s summer party where students get the chance to play live, watch the teachers play in a band together and chill in the sunshine with food, drinks and friends! After a COVID-shaped stop to all the fun for the past couple of years, we are BACK for 2023 and we can’t wait to…
Happy Easter
So I thought ‘If there are a million and one Christmas songs, then surely there must be a few thousand about Easter out there….?’ Wrong! Obviously the subject matter isn’t quite as ‘jolly’ – apart from the Resurrection bit -but even so, for a major festive holiday I thought I’d find that, over the years,…
Taylor Hawkins
There was only ever going to be one thing to write about for this week’s blog… On 19th July 1996 Paula and I went to the short-lived and much missed Phoenix Festival, a four day event held at Long Marston Airfield, just outside Stratford upon Avon. Originally set up as an alternative to Glastonbury and…
TMB Teachers’ All-Time Favourite Bands – Pt2
Yes it’s part two of my mission to cause untold stress to our teachers by asking them for a list of their Top 5 favourite bands / artists! The following lists include my own – a small miracle if you ask me… I just had to go for it and not think about all the…
TMB Teachers’ All-Time Favourite Bands
How do you stress out a musician? Or anyone who loves music come to that! Ask them to come up with their Top 5 favourite bands or artists of all time! 🙂 That’s what I did to all our teachers at TMB this week and pretty much to a man they said it was almost…
Top Ten of all time
I randomly came across the interesting snippet of information that on this day in 1970 the song Bridge Over Troubled Water, by Simon and Garfunkel of course, began a six week run at the top of the singles chart in America. It later went to number 1 in the UK and many other countries becoming…
Autotune or not autotune
This week we’re wearing our sturdiest walking boots and carrying a big stick to go hacking our way through the thorny subject of Autotuning… I’m sure that most of you will already know what we mean by Autotuning but just in case you don’t, it’s basically a piece of software that automatically corrects pitch and…
Be in a TMB band by Tim
As we gear up at here at TMB HQ for a campaign to encourage more of our talented students to join a band it seemed like a good time to talk about the various benefits and downright awesomeness of doing such a thing! At The Musical Box’s two studios – Stratford Upon Avon and Bicester…
Be in a TMB band
Time to play in a band with other musicians. Book now.