TMB Teachers’ All-Time Favourite Bands

How do you stress out a musician? Or anyone who loves music come to that! Ask them to come up with their Top 5 favourite bands or artists of all time! 🙂 That’s what I did to all our teachers at TMB this week and pretty much to a man they said it was almost impossible and that a Top 20 would be hard enough! They all managed it though, and I can easily imagine the furrowing of brows and wringing of hands that it entailed – I feel their pain because I’ve done it too – I only hope they can forgive me..!

It goes without saying that all these lists are ‘in no particular order’ :). They do make for some very interesting reading though, with bands from a huge variety of genres and styles: Classic Rock to Classical, Metal to Reggae, Prog to Punk, Pop, Funk, Jazz and Psychedelia – it’s all in there somewhere! And it does go to show what a knowledgeable and open-minded bunch our teachers are. Given the number of lists involved I’ve decided to split them over two weeks, five teachers per week, and also include some choice video links for your audio/visual enjoyment… and do check out any of these artists you don’t know.

First up is:

James Nelson (guitar, bass, uke) at the Bicester studio

David Bowie, Bob Marley and The Wailers, Nile Rodgers and Chic, Eric Johnson, Frank Zappa

Zac Lever (drums), Bicester and Stratford

Queen, Frank Zappa, Mr Bungle, Miles Davis, Alice In Chains

Guy Bickley (guitar, bass, uke), Stratford

The Beatles, XTC, Deep Purple, Nat King Cole, Rory Gallagher

James Allen (singing, beginner guitar), Bicester and Stratford

Billy Talent, Band of Horses, Crowded House, Nothing But Thieves, Hue and Cry

Jack Blackman (guitar, bass, uke), Stratford

The Beach Boys, The Replacements, Bob Dylan, Lucinda Williams, Big Star

So there we have it for Part One – a really varied selection I’m sure you’ll agree. Some big hitters for sure, the usual suspects as it were, but some nicely left-field stuff too. A double showing for Frank Zappa – could easily have been for The Fab Four too – when I asked Jack why he hadn’t included them in his list (knowing him to be a massive fan) he said he just thought everyone would pick them! We’ll have to see if their name crops up in part two next week, won’t we…

Love ‘n’ walruses,

Tim x






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