Happy Easter

So I thought ‘If there are a million and one Christmas songs, then surely there must be a few thousand about Easter out there….?’ Wrong!

Obviously the subject matter isn’t quite as ‘jolly’ – apart from the Resurrection bit -but even so, for a major festive holiday I thought I’d find that, over the years, loads of bands and singers have written songs about it, even if they were mainly about chocolate! Got to say I’ve struggled though……..I actually know of (and love) one song called Easter: it’s by Marillion and while not being specifically about religious matters – or even chocolate! – it’s the one that got me thinking there must be more….. The song is about The Troubles and is written as a message of hope for the people of Northern Ireland – the lyric was inspired by the poem Easter 1916 by W. B. Yeats. It also contains one of the finest guitar solos you’ll ever hear which is reason enough, I feel, to post a live video below.

Anyway, in the normal spirit of these blogs I have compiled a short list of songs, mostly with very tenuous links to Easter for your enjoyment, starting, not unexpectedly with U2……..hope this gives something to listen to while you’re stuffing your faces with all those eggs!

1. U2 – Window In The Skies

2. Depeche Mode – Personal Jesus

3. Soul To Soul – Back To Life

4. The Stone Roses – I Am The Resurrection

5. Simple Minds – East At Easter

6. Jefferson Airplane – White Rabbit

7. Alison Moyet – Love Resurrection

……..and of course, 8. Marillion – Easter

Hope you all have a peaceful Easter break,

Love and chocolate bunnies,







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