It has been a long time in the making and taken far longer than anyone thought but FINALLY TMB have our own Syllabuses in Drums, Guitar, Ukulele, Keyboards and Bands.
Theses books are designed as an introduction to the instrument and will get you from beginner to either working on grades if that is what you want to do, or to working on our song based syllabus.

Bass players and singers DO NOT DISPAIR….. we are working on your books too so that you are all catered for!!
We also have a Dynamic Drumming syllabus for those drummers who want a bit more of a challenge as they are tough and full of slightly more tricky timings, fills and beats.
They are WORKBOOKS…. designed for you to write in, answer questions in, write your own music in and even tick boxes when you have practiced at home!!!

Just for more information for you guys, here are some sample pages from inside the books themselves. Have a look and see what you think –
Piano Book 1- example pages
This book features dozens of exercises, warm ups, even slight variations/ improvisations that fit, all based on songs that we know. This page is working on sharps and flats and uses ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’ by Justin Timberlake to demonstrate.

Drums Book 1 – example pages
This example is a lesson in Drums book 1. It works around ‘Free Falling’ By Tom Petty and ‘Bang Bang’ by Ariana Grande. It starts with warm ups, then tests your rhythm and reading skills by stomping and clapping along whilst reading the pattern. Then it moves on the the beats and fills in the songs.

Guitar Book 1 – Example pages
In this lesson we introduce A minor. It shows you the chord shape on tab, explains how to shape the chord and gives you strumming techniques…. nothing is forgotten!! We then use the song ‘Shake it off’ to introduce this chord along with others already learned.
There is also the practice box to tick when you have nailed it at home!!

Well i hope this gives you a good idea of what these books are all about and how much they will benefit each and every one of you.
Email Paula or Tim if you would like a copy and we will make sure you get the correct book sent to the studio for your lesson.
Payment can be taken via normal DD methods too so it is really easy!!
Thanks and hope you love them as much as we do too!!!
Paula and Tim xxxx
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